(My new shirt... sorry its backwards. It says "On My 11six") Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is God's power for salvation to everyone who believes..."
The link I posted below is to my favorite song by Lecrae called "background." It goes well with the lesson that we talked about today during our life group at church. We were discussing how prominent materialism is in our world/ country today. The main verses we focused on were out of Mark 1:16-20. Check it out, but it is the story of Jesus gathering his first of the 12 disciples. Basically, He is walking by the Sea of Galilee and calls unto Simon (Peter), James, Andrew, and John. He tells them to put down their fishing nets and follow Him. It says IMMEDIATELY they dropped their nets and followed Him. To read this is awesome to me. At that particular point in time, they did not know Jesus personally, but probably had only heard of him and his teachings. Even though they had heard of Him, it amazes me that they were willing to leave their livelihood, their source of income, and immediately without doubt or question follow Jesus. They were not worried about gathering belongings, money, or food to take with them. This ties into materialism for me because it shows the heart and openness we are supposed to have to God's calling. So often I get tied into the things that I have, or that I want, and put those before Christ. God frequently calls on me to "follow" him or listen to his words and even puts all these signs in front of me, but often I am tied up by other things that seem more important to me at the time. Too many times I allow school, technology, or other worldly pleasures lead my mind and schedule. I now listen to this song every morning, because it is so refreshing. If we would just let God take the lead role, and for once take a step back, He would make it possible for us to step up. Playing the background requires us to put everything in our life stage right, so God can shine in the spotlight. If items distract our minds from putting God first, then materialism has taken over. I now have this amplified realization that if I just follow God, He will always provide. "Why gain the whole wide world, if I'm just gonna lose my soul?" Stay Blessed!!!!
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